Registration ifoL 4/20 Dürscheid - It's full of LARPs 4/20from April 23rd, 2020 - April 26th, 2020 in Dürscheid. Price: 105.00€ Surname, Name*: Address*: Address 2: Zip*: City*: E-mail address*: Phone: Special food requirements: Illnesses, allergies, phobias: I'm offering (only for ifol attendees): - an own minilarp / a minilarp from another author. - Title and author (for our program): - Help with site setup. - Help with site cleanup. Some important things: - I have understood that at the ifol all works on site will be done by the participants, so i am aware that i could be planned for kitchen-, cleaning or another small duties. - I read and accepted the TOS. (TOS are here) - My personal data will be stored for the organisation and execution of the event. - I'm aware that there will be photographs on site. I can inform the organizers at any time, that i don't want to be on photos at all or on certain occasions. Optional: I give permission to use my contact data to invite me to later events (revocable)